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This island is an inactive volcano. Grasses grow at the bottom, while small bushes and trees grow farther up. At the top, the island is full of tropical plants, flowers and trees. This part of the island experiences frequent rain showers and is home to spiders, monkeys, tropical birds, tree frogs, and tigers.



This island is sandy and very hot. A few species of cactus and small bushes thrive among sand dunes and rocks. A large cactus-eating tortoise lives on the island as well as some smaller animals and insects like scorpions, spiders, snakes, and coyotes. A species of very large hawks nest on the rocks on the island.



This island is rocky and snow covered. It is very cold. Very few plants thrive on this island. Only pine trees, mosses,  and small bushes are able to survive the cold. Snow owls,  eagles, and foxes are the main predators on the island. Mice, squirrels, rabbits, and reindeer also live on the island.

Each group must create/design a creature which has adapted to the conditions of the island. Each group will complete pages 1 & 2 of your packet:
  • Bubble Map to include your creature's name and at least 5 adaptations (Page 1)
  • Explanation of how those adaptations help the creature survive on the island (Page 2)
    • How does the adaptation help  it get food and water?
    • How does the adaptation help it protect itself from predators?
Check in with your teacher before moving on to PART 2
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